8am September 21
I get a phone call from my doctor. She tells me that she relooked at the previous days ultrasound and cord doppler. She said that his mid cord had elevated pressure and that is most likely the reason as to why he isn't gaining weight like he should. She would like to deliver the twins via c section the next day but only after I come in for continuous monitoring. If the monitoring doesn't go well then we would deliver them today.
After I got off of the phone I had a mini breakdown and panic attack. Is this really happening!? I'm not ready! We don't have diapers, socks, hats, and all of those little things newborns need. I hastily threw together what I thought I needed in a hospital bag incase I delivered today, and threw together a bag with things for Adi to stay occupied with like stickers, coloring books, play dough and plenty of bribery snacks. And out of the door we ran. I'm pretty sure that I left a baking sheet of biscuits on the stove and an empty water pitcher on the table.
Being hooked up to fetal heart monitor for a full 24 hours is miserable. The machine would beep every time one of the kids went off of the map. That happened a lot. And it forced me to lie on my back all day and all night. My hips and back hurt so badly by the time bedtime ame around, that I was looking for excuses to get up to go to the bathroom, then linger in there. I slept for maybe 5 hours that night.
7am September 22
A barrage of nurses came into my room to prep me for the c section. Thankfully Mike and Adi had gotten there a few minutes prior. Or I wouldn't have been able to see or talk to either of them until I was out of recovery. The nurses gave me tons of information and paperwork to fill out, shaved the area around the incision, put a surgery cap and gown on me and started escorting me back to the labor and delivery ward.
The operating room was cold and white and filled with many different types of tools that scared me so much, that I had to look away. The funny thing was that when I walked in, there was a radio playing an r&b soul version of Guns&Roses' Sweet Child of Mine. My doctor came in and held my hands while the anesthesiologist prepped my back for the spinal block. I won't lie, it hurt and made me jump slightly, which immediately sent waves of doubt that she got it in tge correct spot. And I still won't lie, it felt wonderful after a painful nights sleep prior, to have half of my body numbed. I was however, one of those people whose blood pressure plummeted right after everything kicked in, and I went through a series of dry heaves. Then either from exhaustion or the medicine to make me less nauseous, I was struggling to keep my eyes open.
7:30am September 22
My surgery was promptly underway. I didn't feel a thing. There was quite te hullabaloo of people in the room though. Doctors, nurses, assistants, someone just to take pictures for me, and a lot of nicu staff.
Morgan was the first to come out. I heard several people remarks on how fat she was for being only a 35 week baby. From my position, I had a great view of the table they had put her on. She cried a strong cry almost immediately. She was perfect. Benjamin was second to come out, and as they whisked him to a table just out if my vision range, my only glimpse of him were of two super long and skinny legs. It took him a while to breathe and cry. Then they held him up for me and the nurse who was taking pictures to see. From what I'm told, after he gained his strength (only an hour or so) he was a real spitfire.
Morgan Louise was born at 7:54am weighed 5lbs 14oz and was 17 in long
Benjamin Hiram was born at 7:56am weighed 4lbs 4oz and was 16.5 in long
10am September 22
I am finally put back together and out of the recovery room. Morgan,Mike, and Adi are waiting for me in the mother & baby room. I'll be here until I'm discharged. Benjamin joined us around 11:30. They kept him in the nicu to check his blood glucose levels and because he was having a tough time keeping his temperature up. He is tiny and precious.
I'm so proud of my family. They are all perfect.
Oh Jackie! I'm so glad you decided to blog! I love of hearing all your adventures, especially this special day! Kisses to the babies! Hugs to the new big sister!