After 3 weeks of nighttime feedings that lasted around an hour or more, I needed some relief. Morgan still hasn't mastered nursing, so breastfeeding isn't doable when I'm half asleep at 3am. We do bottles, with formula to help boost their weights. After weeks of Mike saying that I needed to feed them both at the same time, it finally clicked. I knew how to bottle fed (until they become master nursers) two kids at night. When one wakes up, I change them and get them started on their bottle (which is now 3oz!!) Then place them in the boppy with a blanket to hold the bottle, while I wake the other, change them and hold them while they eat. The process then switches for their next feeding so that one kid isn't always on the floor. This cut my nighttime feeding in half! Oh it felt so good to get an extra hour of sleep last night.
In other good news, Morgan and I have been working really hard at nursing. She woke up first this morning, so for an hour we worked on it. She git better with each attempt. And I'm happy to say that she did even better the next feeding. It still takes her a bit to latch on, but once she does she goes for it. She isn't eating everything, and cries for more anhour later. Which by that time, I've spent a great deal nursing her ans her brother,so I hate to say, but I give her a bottleof expressed breastmilk. I'm hoping that after some time she will eat more and we won'thave to use bottles anymore. And maybe even drop the pumping habit. I've already got 100 oz of frozen breastmilk in the freezer, and there's usually between 20 and 40 oz in the refrigerator.
Oi nursing two babies wears me out!
In living in Alaska news, we took a drive down to Seward yesterday, about two and a half hours away, through the Chugach National Forest. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. When we got there the twins were ready to eat, so I was confined to the car (which I forgot to say, we traded in our Camry for a Yukon). I was totallyok with this arrangement, since I've been working so hard at nursing, I wasn't going to let a sleepy seaside town ruinit for me. It had a quaint downtown strip and a few other shops, but this really was a seasonal town, and being as its October, it was pretty empty. Mike and Adi walked around, visited a,park, watched a boy practice riding a unicycle, and get followed then attacked by a throng of ravens and sea gulls. In the end we decided to come back in the summertime,camp along the water andwatch the whales, sea otters, and bald eagles.
This state really is something. Its really sparked that adventure, and desire for peaceand outdoors.
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