Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quartz Creek Camping

Tent camping with kids is hard!
The campground we were going to was full up, thanks to the awesome salmon fishing.
We forgot soap for our dished and we needed a canopy to go over our table since it was raining.
The second and third campgrounds we tried were full as well.
We make it to the Quartz Creek campground and the have one lonely site left, right by the road. But what other option do we have? The babies were long overdue for a meal and bed by now.
We work to put the tent up white wrangling babies who are tired and hungry and eating rocks. Then Adeline decides she's going to get out her training potty (taken for middle of the night emergencies) and poop. No she was not sheltered and yes everyone could see her, pooping, in the middle of our camp site.
Tent is up, food gets made, babies go down for bed, but it's ridiculously bright out since its almost the summer solstice, so they're screaming, a lot.
We're being eaten alive by mosquitoes the size of bats.
Unfortunately the site next to us had the loudest talkers on the face of the planet, and they lasted until 3 or so in the morning. Then Adeline had an accident (she's been staying dry at night and didn't think to bring pull ups)
And I'd only brought one pair of pjs for a two night stay. Soiled sleeping bag, soiled pjs, Adi shared my bag for the rest of the night. Then miraculously slept in! Only to be woken up because she peed again, in her clothes, on our air mattress in my sleeping bag. :(
Day two starts with a trip into town for pull ups. It was beautiful and sunny. We played by the lake, Kenai Lake. We sat on the warm rocks, and enjoyed the awesome beauty around us. It was a great day. Then night came, again. This time all three children were awake at 2 something. We decided after failed attempts to get everyone back to sleep that we needed to carseat them and drive everyone to sleep. By now it was 3:15am. And still light out, dawn type of light.
It worked. Mike and I took turns driving so we could sleep as well.
When we got back to the site we ate breakfast and packed up.
And ready to try it again
Because I think we might be just a little bit crazy

1 comment:

  1. I'm really impressed by how often you get out. And get out again! So cool.
