Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Doctor's visit

It's minus 8, the car hasn't warmed up, I've failed once again to bundle everyone up enough, including myself. This weather is taking some getting used to. I need those hats with the earflaps, and a car with an auto start that actually works.
Adi equipped each baby with an Alaskan baby stuffed animal in their car seat. Ben got the sea otter and Morgan got the orca. It seemed fitting for their personalities. And I was hopeful that thus kind gesture on behalf if Adi would mean an easy going, uneventful appointment.
There have been worse appointments. I'm just thankful that this is a small office with the same few nurses and doctors. It's really difficult to have a hand on Adi when I've got both of mine on the twins. I even bribed Adi with watching shows on my tablet if she could be good. But when we all had to leave the room to weight the twins, Adi had to tag along, until she remembered that the tablet was still in the room. She took off down the hallway as every doctor and nursed watched. I was helpless and embarrassed. She came running back with the tablet and then decided she wanted to take it back. So again, my daughter is running at full speed through the doctor's office. I tried to save face by commenting, loud enough for all onlookers to hear, that I sometimes wish that I had a toddler harness for her. Thankfully our doctor has a good sense of humor and told me that he'd just stick his leg out and knock her down the next time she ran through.
He's a great Alaska frontiersman style doctor. Hilarious and practical. Almost all of his medical recommendations involve either ignoring it, or putting Vaseline or lotion on it.
Ben and Morgan are healthy and growing. Doc recommended putting a tsp of cereal in their bottles to help with their spit up. Which everyone in the office got to experience full force. He also commented on Ben's fat pouch, poor guy. But despite being 'premature' they are hitting all if the normal milestones plus some, and their hovering around the 15-25% in everything. I couldn't ask for better.
I've got two super healthy babies, an energetic preschooler, and enough coffee to keep me sane, most days. That's why this morning, the morning after the Doctor's visit and shots, with two babies with fevers who woke up every hour and a half and a three year old who's taken to crying/talking/arguing in her sleep, I'm still pretty thankful.

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