This was the coldest temperature on our trip, it usually hung around the -20's, but there isn't much difference once you get into the negatives, it's all just cold. Hurt your body cold.

This is the Mid January Alaskan sun at high noon. This is why any sunny days are super special.

So much heavy snow. We've gotten over 70 inches so far this winter. I never thought I could get used to this, especially coming from Texas and North Carolina. But I did, and I am, and it really isn't that bad. You learn to drive in it, and dress warmly. Which I still haven't mastered. I need more layering clothes I think.

Adi is a total snow bunny. She loves it, and isn't phased what so ever by the cold. -20 and happy as a clam.

We saw this hitchhiker, totally bundled, on our way up and on our way back home. Talkeetna is a haven for the wanderer. When we were in Talkeetna we saw several bearded backpacked frosted men.

Mountain High Pizza Pie. Super hippy, Buddhist, good pizza.

Mountain High Pizza Pie's bathroom.

Two PM sun on our way back home, somewhere around Willow or Houston, AK.

With the Iditarod only a few months away, and tons of great snow, we're starting to see dog sled teams driving around town. This one came all of the way up from Colorado.

Ben and Morgan, stayed bundled in the car, with the occasional mama hopping over the seat to feed them. They're such troopers, but it always seems to throw them off schedule. Last night proved that night. Every hour and a half. But by they time I got up, they were still sleeping and I was able to enjoy a cup of coffee without a baby or two screaming in my face.
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