My little girl has taken pretending to new levels. She will howl like a dog, and not just when she's playing. Randomly, in the car, at the store, eating at a restaurant. Sometimes she gets someone to play along with her. She'll say, I'll be the cat and you be the dog. Then there will be chorus of mews and woofs. At the end, she pats me and says good boy.
In the bathtub, she is a little fish, and I am a fish. She does not and will not refer to me as mama during this time.
I'm putting myself on modified bed rest. This Texas heat is doing a huge number on me. We took Adi to the park this morning, and just walking up a small hill caused a pretty nasty contraction that brought about a lot of pressure down there. I haven't had one that involved that kind of pressure. Usually my belly just tightens. So that scared me and I'll now be spending as much time onthe couch that I can handle. In other pregnant news, heartburn is currently winning against my body. I waddle too much. And I'm having mild swelling in my ankles. All in all, not bad for a pregnant woman carrying twins in the awful Texas heat.