Adi and I made it to Texas yesterday. Both of us did better on the flight than expected. She didn't sleep but kept herself entertained, and I only got dizzy on the descent. We ended up having an hour to kill before boarding, and I have to say that moving sidewalks, escalators, etc, are a mom's best friend. We rode the sidewalk countless times. But that only took up a half an hour. The rest of the time I let Adi play the kid apps on my tablet, which I will have to find some that don't need the internet to work. Only a handful of the games I had as my safety net with Adi worked. Any suggestions?
My feet didn't swell on the flight, which I was worried about. I was crazy hungry and thirsty. Adi's nose got a little bloody on the flight. I don't think it had anything to do with flying itself, but the dry air. She woke up this morning with thesme thing, and it's happened a few other times.
It's a shame that airlines don't feed you anymore. I remember the days when you would get a meal if your flight was during breakfast, lunch,or dinner. They didn't even hand out peanuts this time. I'll have to either pack a cooler for the trip up to Alaska or buy the inflight food. I'll need a good pregnancy food strategy.
We went swimming to beat this Texas heat. Guess what, my maternity bathing suit,does not, I repeat, does not cover my belly. Yay
Everyone who has little kids knows how stressful it is to get your littleone to sleep in a new place. Adi and I are sharing a bed, and with lots of family around, we have tofind other ways to get in our bedtime routine. At home we have a bath, then read books on the couch and go to bed. With so many people here the couch isn't the quietest place. So we read onthe bed. Adi thought I was trying to make her go to sleep without reading first, so tgat took some coaxing. Then she wanted me to lay down and sleep with her after book time. But eventually, she laid down and fell asleep. There wasn't as much of a struggle as I thought there'd be. Fingers crossed tonight goes the same.
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