Went to my cousin's wedding last night. It didn't start until 7pm so I was already nervous about how Adi would act. We got there a half hour early, and she did alright for about ten minutes. Then she would randomly end up sprawled out on thefloor. We took our seats farthest from the exit (big mistake) but we did situate ourselves in front of a couple with a little girl, maybe 2 yrs old. Adi played with her for a good while. Then her parents wised up, right before the ceremony and took her out, knowing very well how a toddler acts. I was not so wise. I decided to stick it out. We made it through the procession, prayer, and all of the scripture readings. Then it went downhill fast. The iPhone she was playing with wasn't equipped with kid friendly games, and was working super slow, then she dropped her paper fan ( the wedding was elegant, black and white, with oriental paper fans) and when I went to pick it up, she flipped out because she wanted to pick it up, only to stomp on the floor and hear her shoes make an echo though the building. So anyways, the pastor started talking about how in marriage there are sacrifices, just as Adi threw her fit. He played it off really well talking about the sacrifices made to one another and when having children ( case in point me). As I was hastily exiting,she started screaming that she wanted to be a listener. Poor thing, she tries to be good, but the toddler just takes over sometimes. We waited just outside of the ceremony room, and received countless pity looks from each person leaving.
She did better during the reception. She actually ate the mac and cheese the caterer made specially for her. There were a few other kids there, but they were allolder or younger than her. Poor thing always seems to be stuck in the middle. Since the wedding started late, by the time the reception really started going it was late. Adi ended up rollingon the floor and pretending to be a frog. But to give her credit, she did last until 10pm. I was exhausted.
We went to bed late, Adi tossed and turned, head butted me in the nose, and mumbled allnight. Then woke up promptly at 6:45am.
Oh my goodness.
Aws sounds like you had a blast :)