Today we drove from Dallas to Houston for my cousin's wedding and this is one way Adi entertained herself. She also played the 'throw things at you and yell BAM' game. For a toddler she did amazing on a four hour car trip.
We stopped in Corsicana and ate at an old school sandwich and cookie place. Great food besides the fact that they put pecans in everything.
I did great on the trip too. No swelling until after the car ride and after encountering Houston's 103 degrees with insane humidity. Now my large lady feet look tiny compared to my ankle, leg combo that is grossly huge and covered in mosquito bites that have also grown larger than a half dollar. There's something wrong with this picture. Don't worry, I have my feet up, Adi is in bed, and my parents are watching the USA Japan softball game on ESPN2.
Speaking of interesting television programming, I've missed Spanish channels. Today we found the Univision version of Supermarket Sweep. It was awesome.
Headed to a wedding tomorrow. Found a maternity dress that doesn't make me look like a hot air balloon. I'll let you all know how it all works out.
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