My breakfast was waffles, Adi's was a bowl of grapes, a bagel with cream cheese, and a waffle, plus two glasses of milk, and the twins, well we all know what they had.
After Ben and Morgan ate, I pumped again and set my sights on exercising for the first time in a long while. The last time I did anything, I was 12 weeks pregnant at zumba class. That night I realize that I couldn't keep up with all of those hot dance moves. Speaking of hot dance moves, Adeline has quite a few. :)

Today was day one of the Insanity workout program. Now that I think about it, it was around this time last year that I started Insanity, but I only made it through the first month. I did up my cardio and lose tons of inches. Plus I enjoyed it, but I was doing it with a group of teachers after school. This time I'll be alone except for the audience of twin babies and one rowdy three year old who will either participate or get in my way. Anyways, I rocked the fit test. I keep reminding myself of how I felt after the fit test last year (I was pale, sickly, clse to death, and every single one of my muscles were failing). So I feel pretty good about my numbers from today's workout. I did have some weird pain in my left 'hind quarter'. That area has been different since the c-section. It was numb for the first month afterwards, and whenever I was patted(come on I'm married its ok) on my bum, I would get a sharp pain. In fact the pain when touched still happens. I guess I don't see it as so much serious than weird, that's why I probably won't see a doctor about it.

Moving on.
Ben cried(screamed) during the entire workout, through my shower, and so on. He just wanted to be held. Golly is he a mama's boy already? After some serious cuddles, and a bottle(for both kids) they fell asleep. Yay, I get to enjoy a cup of coffee. But first, its time to pump again. Then I can drink my coffee. Unless Ben wakes up before I'm done pumping, yes, that is him screaming. And great he woke up Morgan. They must be going through a growth spurt because they are sleeping at 45 min intervals and eating every hour and a half. And that's me pushing it to get them to the hour and a half mark.

Another round of feeding. Spit up, fusses, and finally, all three children are sleeping.
That's my day, up until noon. Quiet time for mama, and a nice warm lunch.
I'm curious now about the insanity workout. Maybe I should do this? The numbness converted to pain thing seems strange. Sounds like a nerve thing? I hope it goes away. Weird things often do. But still, I'll say again, I hope it goes away!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your writing style.
I hope you have a great day with the kids.
I don't know what I was thinking. There's no way I can get an hour of uninterrupted workout and shower time. There's always a diaper needing to be changed or a kid ready to eat, or someone desperately needing cuddles. Still, even if I get a few minutes in, that's better than nothing right?