The sky dumped around 3 inches of snow just for Halloween. I wasn't sure what the policy was for trick or treating out here. You can't really wear a normal costume and trudge through the snow. So for our first time out, we went a little ghetto, full snow suit with a tutu and fairy wings. Next year we'll find thick full body costumes.
So as it got closer to trick or treating time (5:30/6:00), we kept peaking outside to see if anyone else was out. It was like a ghost town, so I asked the twins group here in Anchorage via facebook, what time/what everyone did. The verdict - most go to church functions or other indoor Halloween activities, very few go outside and really trick or treat. And if they do go out, they drive to the neighborhoods that will reap the most sweet, chocolatey goodness. I'm not going to drive around for trick or treating. I feel like I should be able to walk down my own street, meet my neighbors, and get some candy.
So off we went, down our little street. Not many houses had porch lights on, and I began second guessing how successful we were going to be. Thankfully the few houses we did hit, were very generous with their candy. Most of them said they had no trick or treaters last year, and we were their only one this year. I guess the twins moms were right when they said if anyone goes outside, they make it worth their while and drive to the ritzy neighborhoods.
Several houses gave out full sized candy bars, and one looked panicked as she handed Adi candy that she obviously had just lying around the house.
Most houses had very large dogs that they had to awkwardly hold back with one leg as they reached out of their front door.
And three houses lingered outside and chatted with me. One just moved in, and was a nurse from the look of her outfit, a real nurse, not a costume nurse. One hinted that we should come in, and one just so happened to work for ASD in the speech department. She was my favorite person to talk to, just three houses down. She had a teenage son who had severe disabilities. He stayed in the doorway and laughed hysterically at Adeline. It was super cute.
We headed home with red cheeks and a bucket only half full of candy, but boy did we have fun. And boy did I enjoy getting out of the house. Mike, who wasn't feeling well, stayed inside with the twins. We didn't think 19 degrees and snow was the best thing right now.
I just had to share her smile. She's got the best smile ever, but when you put a camera on her, she seizes up. And look at that Halloween get-up. I'm embarrassed, but we took this first Halloween to learn the ropes, next year we'll look like real trick or treaters.
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