Day 1 - Friday
Today Mike had to go to an all day training for Anchorage School District. That meant Adi and I were on our own. It was cold and rainy. First things first, grocery shopping. Man cannot live on beer, milk, and rasin bran, so honestly I don't know how Mike was surviving. So Adi and I headed out to Fred Meyer, a super walmart of sorts. I started in the homegoods section first, knowing that I wouldbe getting cold items in the grocery section and I didn't want them to spoil. So we meandered arounded looking at everything, and probably taking way too long. I got a few household things, a broom, toaster, etc, when I realized that I needed to leave room in my cart for food stuffs. So super tired and already feeling done with shopping, I walked,over to the gorcery section, and that is where my world freefell. Food out here is expensive, and not by a little, but by a lot. The 1.88 off brand fig newtons are now 5.60. What?! I'm slowly having a nervous breakdown inside the store. I'm fighting back tears which I know are partly due to hormones, and Adi is developing some serious bags under her eyes from the plane ride and time change. I have to call it soon, but I've barely gotten anything to eat; some chicken nuggets, bread,peanut butter and jelly, bananas, ramen, and juice. Pathetic I know. I panicked, I didn't know where to begin. Exhausted, I step into a checkout line labeled 'family friendly' which I'm thinking is perfect because Adi is slowly breaking down. The woman said no kind courtesies, and made no eye contact. And at one point, as shewas bending down to place something inthe bottom of my cart, Adi flailed her arms and hit her in the head. I know that toddler hands can hurt, a little, but nothing to warrant a sharp 'hey!' And evil eye of death.
Family friendly? Yeah right.
I let Adi take an extra long nap to catch up from the transition, while I wondered around the house not knowing what to do or where to even start. It took me half an hour to figure out how to put the filter into the Brita pitcher. I was miserable. Mostly in part due to sleep and hormones.
I took Adi out again, this time to find the post office. It wasn't far from our place but the gps took me on a very round about way through some super nice neighborhoods. I found it, and the sun had come out,making for a plesant afternoon. We mailed a letter and pickedup some stamps.
Mike came home and we ventured out down themain road just outside of our neighborhood. It wound around some mountain passes and along come rivers. Peaceful. Notfor Adi. Shescreamed the whole time " oh no, the mounains are in the way, we cant go anywhere" and then how scared she was because of the mountains. Now I'm talking snot covered face fear screaming. We stopped at a trailhead to let Adi out to try and calm her down. We took a short walk to the river and let her look around. We had to tell her that these were Adi's mountains and that we follow the road aroundand over Adi's mountains. That did it for her. From that point on, when she starts to get afraid on car trips, she tells herself ouloud that they are Adi's mountains and starts to giggle.
Day 2 - Saturday
Car ride to a glacier.
I had no idea how long this trek would be. We ended up stopping at some random gas/food mart in the middle of nowhere. Adi was asleep so Mike stayed in the car and I waddled up to an open doored room with a grizzled old man smoking at a table. We talked,about the weather,and I'm sure he though that we were tourists because of our Texas plates. After over two hours we made,it. It was majestic. Unfortunately I had to pee and headed straight for the batrooms, well latrines. Oh my, oh my, what horrible events had happened in there. But really, the air outside and the view was incredible. The grassy area we were on was covered in wild raspberries. I wish I could have stayed there all day, but my pregnant hunger kicked in. On theride back my feet swelled up pretty bad. I guess I cannot stay in the car for long anymore. We made it back into town and ate lunch at China Lights, an alright chinese buffet right by our place. I'd give it a 5 out of 10, only because I was digging the spring rolls.
We bought a small three drawer dresser for next to the bed. We still need something for Adi, but I'll get that figured out soon. Speaking of figuring things out soon, we need to get a couch or something soon. Those ikea chairs and my pregnant body are not mixing well. I had to lie down in bed for a while just to alleviate thepaininmy back and hips. I started thinking that I was,going into labor, but that was jusyt my drama from being tired and sore.
Day 3 starts today. No ide what is planned, but I'm sure I see a few hot baths in store for me.