Today was supposed to be the appointment day from hades. I was scheduled for an ultrasound at 7am, a non stress test at 9:20, and a doctors appointment at 11. I had Adi's emergency bag ready. Playdough, crayons, books, snacks, and my tablet loaded with Dora and Yo Gabba Gabba episodes. The ultrasound was finished at 7:35, and the thought of waiting around in between this and the other appointments scared me. Well the good lord showed me some mercy today, because I was squeezed in to the non stress test and my doctors appointment and was done for the day at 9am.
The ultrasound revealed that girl is still breech and weighs 4 pounds 9 ounces and boy is head down and 3 pounds 13 ounces. Their heartbeats are great too. No more to say about the boy's kidney. Nothing has changed there. I'm 32 weeks and change, and my belly is measuring at 35 weeks. I havent gained any weight in two weeks, despite my recent ice cream intake. I'm having mild swelling, but I don't notice it unless I wear socks. All in all, we're all hanging in there and doing great. Oh the doc did say that if (this is a big if because my cervix is still long) I go into labor after 34 weeks, they won't do anything to stop me. That is a scary thought. It's less than two weeks away.
We're almost ready for the twins. We have the carseats, and now the cribs. No mattresses yet or blankets. So we're getting there. Not quite all the way there yet, but we're making progress. It's just hard to see a half empty room and imagine two tiny babies living in it.
I'm still in shock. I will have two babies, plus a toddler. Who, by the way, refused to leave the house without her blanket and paci, even with me bribing her with m&ms.
Last weeks random twins pregnancy food craving - prunes
This weeks random twins pregnancy food craving - brown sugar pop tarts
mmmm...brown sugar pop tarts! Hang in there Jackie! More mercy is available to you for tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteOne day at a time. :) Yay for a fast doctor's visit!!! They are going to stay longer, I just know it.