While visiting with my parents (I'm still in Texas) we decided to visit the 3D ultrasound center. It was like stepping into the ultimate zen zone. Aromas, shavasana music, and an overall super awesome place. Anything a pregnant woman who wants to be pampered was there. I opted for the ultrasound only. It was in a huge room, with bigcomfy chairs, and a tv on thewall so you don't have to crane your neck to see the screen. The technician did have all of the appropriate certifications to be an ultrasound tech in an ob office, but she started out by saying ' wow I've never done twins before'. So that made me a little,nervous. And several times she'd say something about being confused and double checking who each one was. She started with a 2D to check heartbeats, head sizes, and positions. Twin girl is head down, way down, and twin boy is breech with his body in an entire half fold with his legs over,his head. He will be our chill yoga man. Twin girl's heartbeat was 157 and twin boy was 144. Exactly what they were when I last visited my doctor. We were lucky to get the 3D pictures that we got. Twin girl had her face squished up against the placenta. Adi was like that her entire time in the womb, and she wanted to sleep with blankets on her face when she was little, but now just rubs the corner of her blanket on her cheek or nose. I wonder if twin girl will be like that. I have a feeling she will be justlike Adi. Twin boy had all sorts of legs and arms in his face. I'm not sure what that says about his personality yet. Twin girl looked bigger, at least her face did. I wonder if that means she'll have huge cheeks like Adi did. Twingirl,also hadbthe distinctive Doiron nose, and twin boy had a really generous mouth. Not just lips, but his mouth seemed to go on forever. Overall, it was fun, and I'm glad that I got the chance to see them. The ultrasound tech said that if I had come in any later, they'd be too squished to see anything.
If you search facebook for La Bella Belly, like them, then search their image access for me Jacquelyn Welge, you can see the twins.
This will be a longer post covering a couple topics. You see, I tried to blog the past few,nights but Adi has decided that she's afraid of the dark.
Adi got to spend the afternoon with her grandpa bill, grandma tanya, and great aunt ruth. She had a blast. I know this because she passed out in the car on the way home. She played herself out. Adi was playing with some new toys when I noticed something. She was playing with a tea set eating pretend cookies while also giving out medical shots. She associates getting shots with getting treats. Then I remembered that every time I would take her to get shots I'd buy her candy of sorts for a reward. Is this bad? I don't think so, but I could be starting a bad doctor's office habit.
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