First off, who wouldn't want to hang out with this kid? She took this picture of herself. I still cannot believe that she knows how to access the camera and take pictures with my tablet.
After being in Alaska for a week, today I actually had a real conversation with someone new. I've been hitting the parks around town, and finally, ran into other people. Poor Adi hasn't really played with other kids in a long while. So we roll up to the park just a few blocks away, and yes, it was full of people. It also helped that today was the second day in a row with sun and a sweet 65 degrees. There was one mom sitting and texting, then left immediately after I got there. There was a grandmother who kept climbing up the slide and,preventing Adi from using it. She left with her two kids shortly after I gave her a look for blocking Adi from sliding as she played some monster game. I mean Adi actually went down the slide and I had to pick her up over the edge because of this woman. Then there was Barbara. She hadbtwo boys, and they looked about the right age for Adi. She also had a big dog which is a plus if you want Adi to follow you around. After about half an hour I get up the nerve to start talking to her. There were some neighborhood boys selling lemonade and Adi wanted to sit at the same picnic table Barbara's boys. If you know Adi, sometimes she doesn't know about personal space. And well she slid up as close to the three year old as she could. He wasn't having any of that. Thankfully the five year old sat next to her.
Here's my awkward conversation starter, 'so umm let me guess, he's four and he's six'. It wasthe best line I had atthe moment. She responded with an equally awkward, 'close, three and five, but their birthdays are in November'. Score Adi's birthday is in November too! I can keep the conversation going! The next thing I know three hours have gone by and we've discussed everything from child birth, to schools, to neighbors, to careers. It felt so good to talk with another mom. I had no ideahow starved I was.
Thesky turned hazy, it gave everyone the sense that it was time to call it. She had mentioned a few times things that she had that would be perfect for Adi. So I thought we'd keep this thing going. She said that we should let the kids play together again, so I asked for her number, and then she invited us over,for dinner. Let me tell you, I was not eeexpecting to pull up to a mansion on a mountain. I was super intimidated. That's probably why I felt so weird. I couldn't get past the fact that I live in a humble apartment,and she was in a multi million dollar home. I mean there wasan entire wall of windows overlooking the valley and other side of the mountains. A mom and baby moose walked through the yard! I will never afford a life like that.
The kids played well, AdiLOVES the five year old, and he seems tohave taken a liking to her. Dinner was great, we small talked. Nexttime I will have to get over the social differences and just enjoy the moment.
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