Like it when my two year old doesn't act like a two year old. It happens sometimes. I had a brief glimpse of it yesterday, but not at the times when I most needed it.
I'm a stickler for getting driver's licenses updated or changed. Not sure why. But I went in to get my official Alaskan driver's license. It was maybe 9:30. Though nothing in this town opens before 10. Honestly that doesn't make sense to me. But I'm learning to roll with it. So we finally make it in. I have everything I need, or so I thought. I fill out an application, and thebentire time, Adi is a full blown two year old. Running into every one's way, jumping on every chair, and repeatedly hitting the 'take a number' machine. I finally make it up to the counter, only to realize that I didn't bring my social security card. While I'm talking with the woman at the counter, I have a hand on Adi who is going completely limp and swinging and laughing hysterically. The woman at the counter the said "just come back with everything, and you can take the test, and maybe you can find someone to leave the monkey with." Yes she was trying to be funny, but she had no idea how bad that made me feel. I don't know anyone here. It felt lonely. I know we'll get plugged into a great community soon, but right now it's pretty isolating. I ignore her advice and come back with the monkey.
On the ride home I let Adi have it. She responds to the phrase "you are not being a good listener", probably because she knows that good listeners get special treats and especially a paci. She said in a big girl voice, "momma, I'm sorry". Oh man that tugged at me just a bit. Then we had a conversation like she wasn't a two year old. It was nice. She promised to be a good listener and we would go back and try again.
I show up back at the dmv, and thank goodness, it's completely empty. Yes God had mercy on me. Unfortunately, I still failed the test, but one question. So I'll go back in 24 hours and try again. I'll go back with my monkey and pray that she acts older than she really is, for my sanity and the dmv workers'.
In twin gestation news, my second round of NSTs went well. I'm afraid that girl flipped. I'm pretty sure I felt it, or a massive roll. But now ALL movement is down low, meaning feet? I have no idea, I'm just along for the ride.
I do wish that I ate better for these two. That's why, well not only that, but that's why I have a WIC appointment today. Any help that we can get right now, still one income and three children, in Alaska, with high food prices, I'll take. To be honest, my pride does get the best of me when it comes to government assistance. But it's not just about me, it's about Adi and the twins.
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