Friday, August 5, 2011

Just a Short Plane Ride

I successfully made it though a 6+ hour plane ride from Texas to Alaska. When we got to the gate you could tell the flight was bound for Alaska. Everyone was decked out in pants, long sleeves, and hiking boots, with quite a few hunting/camouflage hat. The plane sat at the gate forever because of some mix up with the sky chef. That was probably the worst bit of it. But Adi stayed occupied with some games on my tablet. Though she wanted her paci, I stuck with what I told her and I didn't give it to her until the plane was up in the sky. I don't know if it was sitting in the next to last row or if it was the pilot's steering, but taking off was miserably shaky.
Once the flight got going they showed the movie Thor. That gave me something to do while Adi played random games. I have to say, the movie wasn't as good as I had thought it would be. Yes it had a hunky main actor, and an ending that made me cry (hormones, because it really wasn't cry worthy) but overall, I'd give it a 5 out of 10. Sometime during the credits, Adi fell asleep. Good thing I got up twice before that to potty and take Adi potty, (which she did, in the airplane bathroom!) Because the way Adi fell asleep halfway on me and I was stuck. I was also stuck watching the second film Arthur, some film with Russell Brand. I didn't pay full attention to this movie so I can't give it a score. Being stuck to my seat was miserable. I folded my jacket at the small of my back, that helped, but then I started having pains on my left side. I'm not sure if it was twin boy moving about or what but I wasn't digging it. To make it worse, all of my drinks and foods were on the floor, and reaching down was painful. After the man next to me decided he needed to stand for a bit, I took that as a sign to freely get up as well. I tucked my jacket under Adi and snuck out of my row. When I looked down,wow had my feet swollen. I even had flip flop marks on the tops of my feet. I did get to stand for about 5 or 10 minutes before I heard Adi wake up and start crying. But at that point we had about an hour left in the flight.

So overall, the flight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But the best part was seeing my husband after two weeks apart. :-)

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